This certificate program is open to all Virginia Tech graduate students who meet the certificate requirements.
Note that all of the Remote Sensing IGEP PhD candidates will meet the requirements for this program, as part of their required coursework.
The program requires 10 hours of graduate-level credit to obtain a Graduate Certificate in Remote Sensing from Virginia Tech. At least 2/3 of these courses must be graded A-F. Course credits from below 5000-level courses are not permitted. These four mandatory courses will ensure that all students, regardless of disciplinary background, will be exposed to the same research approach. Further, all students will discuss common scientific and policy issues that have evolved from increasing natural and anthropogenic stresses on the earth system, stresses that are driving research and development in this field. When students finish the course requirements, the oversight committee chair will sign the Course Checksheet. Students will need to submit an Application for Conferral of Certificate form to the Graduate School. Transfer credits are not permitted.
Required Courses: (9 mandatory credit hours - Choose 3 courses from the list below)
Remote Sensing Principles & Technology
(ECE 5194, I, 3H, 3C)
Remote Sensing of Natural Resources
(FOR 5254, II, 3H, 3C)
Remote Sensing in the Social Sciences
(AAEC/GEOG/FREC 5544, I, 3H, 4C)
Introduction to Science and Technology Policy
(STS 5614, II, 3H, 3C)
Seminar Requirement (1 mandatory credit hour)
(Not available to those awarded with Candidacy Status Tuition Reduction)
Seminar in GIS and Remote Sensing